Committee for Quality in IP Management

Committee Chairs

The committee chairs supervise the committee work to identify topics, problem areas, and tasks to be solved in the committee’s area of practical IP management. They coordinate the further development of tasks and solution approaches of IP management and enlarge and intensify the awareness for IP management topics.

Task Force | Partner Program

Wolfgang Berres_Q

Wolfgang Berres

Task Force Leader

The task force presents selected partners and their service offers on the platform, thus enabling fast communication between interested companies and experienced and qualified service providers. The Task Force arranges contact with companies, institutions and individuals from all areas of intellectual property management: IP experts from teaching, consulting and industry, IP service providers, trade mark and patent attorneys, IP software providers and management system auditors. Interested IP service providers contact the Task Force. Here they receive a qualification checklist and arrange a personal interview.

Task Force | Industry Case Studies


Max Link


Maria Boicova-Wynants is the Task Force Leaderin for the Case Study Initiative, supported by Patent Engineer Max Link. The Task Force is part of the Committee QIMIP Quality for IP Management. The task force is documenting and analysing the state of the implementation of standard-compliant IP management worldwide. It is also tasked with the question of how to implement the I3PM Content Portal and the associated awareness process in an operational environment. Part of this work is the conduction of a global academic case study project with the help of the IP Business Academy.

Task Force | Standards Observatory


Theo Grünewald

Task Force Leader

Theo Grünewald heads the standards observatory to accompany global standards activities on IP management issues. He is the contact person for questions about the further development of the standardization processes and a member of the working committee for the German DIN77006.


The committee for Quality in IP Management pursues the goal of supporting the development, construction, implementation and evaluation as well as the continuous improvement of quality in IP management in companies, institutions and organizations. It is also a qualification partner for service providers and consultants on Quality in IP Management.

It communicates which aspects of DIN 77006 have an impact on the various areas of activity in a company, from the business model development to marketing. With the DIN 77006, the requirements for a voluntary standard for the design of a modern Intellectual Property (IP) management system in the company are specified for the first time.

This standard offers important guidelines for the design of effective processes and the assignment of tasks, especially for SMEs.  A coherent IP strategy and the consistent consideration and mapping of the relevant IP processes in accordance with DIN 77006 lead to improved productivity, error prevention and an increased degree of legal certainty in a company.  It allows companies to proactively develop  their IP portfolio and avoid liability cases. The introduction of DIN 77006 puts the company in a position to integrate intellectual property holistically and systematically into the existing management system processes of its organization.


Anyone who wants to gain a competitive advantage develops new business models, use cases and applications with a significant shares of digital components. Digitalization and business ecosystems that are changing with it are leading to a radical rethinking of how intellectual property is handled.  

Owing to new market partners and competitors, also from other sectors, the exploitation of opportunities and the avoidance of risks result in a complexity that even large companies with traditional processes and structures can no longer master.  

Core challenges are:

  • How to achieve synergy effects in a company through integrated IP management, for example in risk management and in the innovation process?
  • Which effects does the digital transformation of a company have on IP management?
  • How can you achieve a more agile product development and innovation process?


The experts working for the committee come from renowned international IP management bodies, universities, institutions, companies, as well as from legal and patent counselling, auditing and practice with many years of expertise in the economic handling of intellectual property and supports in the areas of IP process revision, qualification, evaluation and auditing.

The committee builds a network with selected partners, enabling fast communication between interested companies and experienced and qualified service providers. It provides contact to companies, institutions and people from all areas of intellectual property management: IP experts from teaching, consulting and industry, IP service providers, trademark and patent attorneys, providers of IP software and management system auditors.

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