Committee for SDG/ESG

“Leveraging IP as a positive force to achieve a sustainable future”

Committee Chairs

Extended Committee Members

Context & Challenge

The next generations should not be responsible for ensuring a viable future for all and mitigating the effects of climate change; indeed, this is our duty now.

Both quotes below clearly state that there is very little time remaining to take action and keep some level of control over our future living conditions on Earth.

“The planet is in the midst of a biodiversity and climate crisis and we have a last chance to act… A nature-positive future needs transformative – game changing – shifts in how we produce, how we consume, how we govern and what we finance.”  Alberto Lambertini, WWF Director

“There is a rapidly narrowing window of opportunity to enable climate resilient development […] The choices and actions implemented in this decade will have impacts now and for thousands of years.”  Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change

This Committee gathers IP Professionals who are convinced that humanity must wake up from its dangerous lethargy and complacency for short-term oriented solutions usually adopted in today’s economic system.

Indeed, aligned with both quotes above, we believe that the current ways of producing and consuming, the models of creating and sharing value, and our relationship with nature need to be significantly and quickly changed to preserve good living conditions for humanity in the long run. 

This Committee is proud to count on Henry Wang as an Associated Member. Henry is a globally recognized Climate Change and Sustainability expert and author who advises G20 and B20.

Vision & Mission

This Committee’s vision is that IP is a mighty means to incentivize and reward innovation. On one hand, it can be a powerful force and driver of change towards a more sustainable future; on the other hand, IP may hinder widespread adoption of technologies to tackle climate change, and be harmful to the applicant itself.

The Committee will seek to tackle the challenges mentioned above with humility, responsibility and care for the well-being of the present and future generations. The Committee has the following two missions:

1/ Make a repository of up-to-date, reliable and sound information to guide the IP Community (and other interested colleagues) through SDG/ESG, particularly IP-related aspects of SDG/ESG.

2/ Serve as a safe harbor where IP experts may reflect on the interplay between IP and SDG/ESG, particularly the extent to which the present IP rights framework can foster a more sustainable future and the realization of the 17 SDGs. If reforms are necessary, the Committee will discuss their scope and how to propose them to the international community.

In addition, the frameworks and standards to measure and report ESG aspects and their related regulations are rapidly changing. The Committee will keep track of this rapidly evolving scenario so members can address their concerns, make critiques and propose changes.

This rapidly evolving scenario, full of uncertainties and unconsolidated regulations, should not be a reason to hesitate or wait. On the contrary, we all are urged to act quickly. Often, the best way is to follow common sense rules, inspiring ourselves from nature and ancients wisdom, and keeping in mind that we all share the same planet, with unique yet limited natural resources, and that our own liberty is not an absolute right. 


Related to Mission#1 (repository of information) :

– Create and maintain a comprehensive set of documents about SDG/ESG regulations and related topics;

– Provide access to significant initiatives, guidelines, training, legal frameworks and decisions across the world, either in original or summary versions; and

– Promote positive initiatives, practices and frameworks to make them known and disseminated/adopted globally.

Related to Mission#2 (safe harbor for reflection)

– Engage in alliances and networks with other influential bodies, organizations, and I3PM Committees; and

– Discuss ways to improve the IP system and develop and communicate proposed guidelines, i.e.:

1) How to optimally embed sustainability in innovation processes and IP strategy?

2) How to best measure “green” innovations and reward them with IP rights?

3) How can technologies that make a genuine difference be disseminated quickly while reasonably rewarding their respective inventors?

4) How do we leverage IP protection and foster collaboration?

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